Bass Plate is compatible with MOST drums and pedals, including:
DW Pearl Yamaha Ludwig Mapex Taye Trick Axis PDP Sonor And many other new and vintage pedals. Not compatible with some Tama (Cobra) and Gibraltar pedals. |

A drum with a Bass Plate installed will fit in any hard or soft case. Bass Plate has been tested with every brand of drum case; it fits in every one easily. Bass Plate is close to the drum's shell and does not require extra space.

DW Pedal Clamp
FAQ: Will my DW pedal's "tri-pivot" clamp fit in the space under the hoop when it's on the Bass Plate's lip?
This photo shows the base of a DW pedal. DW's "tri-pivot" clamp is attached to the Bass Plate's lip. Yes, there is enough room for the clamp in the space between the Bass Plate's lip and the bottom of the drum's hoop if the drum is level with the floor.
If the drum's spurs are set too tall, so the drum is not level with the floor, it reduces the amount of space for the clamp. So, make sure the drum's spurs are set at a height so that the drum is level with the floor while the pedal is on the Bass Plate. In other words, the drum should pointing forward, not tilted up like a cannon.
FAQ: Will my DW pedal's "tri-pivot" clamp fit in the space under the hoop when it's on the Bass Plate's lip?
This photo shows the base of a DW pedal. DW's "tri-pivot" clamp is attached to the Bass Plate's lip. Yes, there is enough room for the clamp in the space between the Bass Plate's lip and the bottom of the drum's hoop if the drum is level with the floor.
If the drum's spurs are set too tall, so the drum is not level with the floor, it reduces the amount of space for the clamp. So, make sure the drum's spurs are set at a height so that the drum is level with the floor while the pedal is on the Bass Plate. In other words, the drum should pointing forward, not tilted up like a cannon.

Tama, Gibraltar, and Axis Pedals
FAQ: Is there any way to use my Tama or Gibraltar pedal with Bass Plate?
A few pedals, like Tama and Gibraltar pedals, have clamps that are too tall to fit in the space between the Bass Plate's lip and the drum's hoop.
This photo shows how a Bass Plate user, Gordon, attached his Bass Plate so the lip extends past the drum's hoop, allowing him to use his Tama pedal (and see the note below about Axis beaters, which are useful in this case). For pedals with tall clamps, the other way to make them compatible with Bass Plate is to cut an arc, or notch, out of the hoop (see the photos below).
FAQ: Why isn't Bass Plate designed to leave more space under the hoop?
This would cause the pedal's footboard to get too close (or possibly touch) the hoop. Bass Plate is designed and tested to work with the greatest number of pedals possible.
FAQ: How can I keep my Axis pedal footboard from getting too close to the hoop?
Axis pedals do not have adjustable footboard angles. And their footboards go very low (compared to other pedal brands) when played. If the tip (toe) of the footboard gets so low that it touches the inside of the wood hoop, one solution is to replace your beater(s) with Axis's "Sonic Hammer" beaters (link). These allow you to extend the beater's striking surface farther from the shaft (and closer to the drum's head), so the footboard needn't be depressed so far down before the beater strikes.
Re: Tama and Gibraltar:
If you're using pedals with large clamps and have the Bass Plate's lip extended out past the hoop for this reason, the Axis Sonic Hammer beater(s) is a good way to keep the beater shaft from rotating too far to reach the drum head. This way, the beater will strike the head when the beater shaft is vertical (not overextended).

These photos show how DW and Yamaha, for their bass drums with risers, cut notches in their bass drum hoops so that a pedal's footboard, when pressed down by the drummer's foot, will not touch the hoop. Bass Plate is different from these risers in three ways:
1) Bass Plate is designed to work with most drum and pedal combinations without requiring any notch cut in the hoop.
2) Bass Plate is not as tall as these other risers, so it works well with both small and medium (22") drums.
3) Bass Plate's "winged" design allows it to maximize the resonance of the bass drum.
Nonetheless, these photos of notched hoops are included here because they show how Bass Plate users might modify their hoops so that pedals with tall clamps (like Tama and Gibraltar) may fit or so that pedals that have lower-reaching footboards (like Axis) may work with Bass Plate.
1) Bass Plate is designed to work with most drum and pedal combinations without requiring any notch cut in the hoop.
2) Bass Plate is not as tall as these other risers, so it works well with both small and medium (22") drums.
3) Bass Plate's "winged" design allows it to maximize the resonance of the bass drum.
Nonetheless, these photos of notched hoops are included here because they show how Bass Plate users might modify their hoops so that pedals with tall clamps (like Tama and Gibraltar) may fit or so that pedals that have lower-reaching footboards (like Axis) may work with Bass Plate.

Working With Bass Plate
FAQ: How do I become a Bass Plate artist/endorser?
Bass Plate is used all around the world, including by great drummers of many genres. If you'd like to be considered to be an artist, email us a link to your EPK.
FAQ: May I receive a free (or discounted) Bass Plate in return for promotion?
If you have a big social media following (e.g., >100,000 Instagram followers), and you'd like to receive a Bass Plate to feature, send us your EPK and some links
to other product-promotion content you've created.
FAQ: How do I become a Bass Plate artist/endorser?
Bass Plate is used all around the world, including by great drummers of many genres. If you'd like to be considered to be an artist, email us a link to your EPK.
FAQ: May I receive a free (or discounted) Bass Plate in return for promotion?
If you have a big social media following (e.g., >100,000 Instagram followers), and you'd like to receive a Bass Plate to feature, send us your EPK and some links
to other product-promotion content you've created.